Senin, 26 September 2016

Unforgettable Moment

  Unforgettable moment when i got motorcycle accident in last year 2015. Exactly date 29 December 2015, when people spent celeberation last year holiday with people who they loved or visit any countries in this world, i just lying in bed. okay i will tell the chronological of my unforgettable moment.
  Tuesday, 28 December 2015. I spent holiday just in home, i'am very bored, my activities just eat, sleep, watched tv, repeat all day long, i don't know where i've to go. All my friend had activity self even thought before get holiday i planned what i must to do. Okay i'am very bored all day long stay at home, i decided to visit my brother house in Soekarno-hatta, before i went. i get permission from my mother to visit him i go there by motorcycle even thought my mom told me to take a car. Why i wont brought a car because the traffic jam and it take a long time, actually i'am not like used a car my hobby is ride, modification and take care motorcycles because of that i like riding.
  1.10 i'am on the way to Soekarno-hatta from Antapani by motorcyle. Hmm.. 1.20 pm i arrived in Soekarno-hatta that time the weather is not good so i runway my bike because i don't want exposed to rain. precisely in front of Direktorat Jendral Pajak Cicadas, before the bridge of Panoramic Apartements. i overtake a bike brought vegetables in back seat it's very large and wide, actually motorcyle banned brought something overload but he break the rules. When i overtake him, my handlebar caught in plastic of cover vegetables my bike lost control and i knocked out of my bike around 5-7 meters from my bike, i landed with my shoulder and my helmets regardless of my head. first thing i did is check my bike, why? because i'am very worried condition the bike i don't care my body injury. oke the bike fine nothing bad spareparts got accident, second thing i did is check my body get bad injury on stomache it's get deep injury, and than i feel my hands not good, first i think it's just disclocatation because i can moved my hand. i'm very sorry why i'am not command my mom to take a car, i apolagize to my mom and dad. i called daddy his not picked up my phone so i called my mom her very panic. she said 'oke i'll go there, wait!' and i contact via line to my club motorcycle. first person came is my friends club, he take care my bike, he said 'don't worry of the bike, let me told your father so that you not get angry.' 
  One hour later, i was rushed to hospital to get first medical, doctor told me that my Clavicula Bones broke, i'am shock i don't know what to do. tomorrow i operation clavicula bones to take a plat titanium in my bones, it's took 3 hours melinda and i treated at Melinda 2 hospital for 4 days. i spent my celebaration last year at hospital i'm just hearing fireworks from inside. it's teribble last year moment seen i've ever had.

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